SAFe 10 Principles of SAFe Framework

SAFe 10 Principles

SAFe 10 Principles of SAFe Framework (Scaled Agile Framework) is a comprehensive framework for implementing Agile principles at scale within large organizations. It guides coordinating multiple Agile teams, aligning business objectives with development activities, and delivering value to customers more effectively. The 10 principles of SAFe encapsulate the foundational beliefs and values that underpin the framework’s approach to Agile software development at scale:

  1. Take an Economic View:
    • This principle emphasizes the importance of understanding the economic implications of decisions made throughout the development process.
    • Teams should focus on maximizing the flow of value to customers while minimizing waste and optimizing the return on investment (ROI).
    • SAFe encourages Lean thinking and practices to achieve economic outcomes, such as reducing cycle time, improving quality, and increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. Apply Systems Thinking:
    • Systems thinking encourages a holistic view of the entire development process, considering the interdependencies and interactions between various components and subsystems.
    • SAFe emphasizes the need to optimize the entire value stream, from ideation to delivery, rather than optimizing individual silos or departments.
    • Teams should identify and address bottlenecks, constraints, and dependencies that hinder the flow of value through the system.
  3. Assume Variability; Preserve Options:
    • In complex systems and environments, variability and uncertainty are inevitable.
    • SAFe advocates for preserving options and maintaining flexibility to respond to changing requirements, market conditions, and technological advancements.
    • Teams should avoid premature commitments and design decisions, instead deferring decisions until the last responsible moment when more information is available.
  4. Build Incrementally with Fast, Integrated Learning Cycles:
    • Incremental development allows teams to deliver value iteratively, with each iteration providing an opportunity for learning and feedback.
    • SAFe promotes short feedback loops and fast, integrated learning cycles to validate assumptions, reduce risk, and adapt to changing circumstances.
    • By delivering working increments of the solution frequently, teams can quickly validate hypotheses, gather feedback from stakeholders, and make course corrections as needed.
  5. Base Milestones on Objective Evaluation of Working Systems:
    • Milestones in SAFe should be based on the delivery of tangible, working systems rather than arbitrary deadlines or milestones.
    • SAFe encourages the use of objective evaluation criteria, such as working software, customer feedback, and business results, to assess progress and measure success.
    • Teams should aim to achieve meaningful outcomes at each milestone, demonstrating value delivery and validating progress towards strategic objectives.
  6. Visualize and Limit WIP, Reduce Batch Sizes, and Manage Queue Lengths:
    • Work-in-progress (WIP) limits, smaller batch sizes, and shorter queue lengths help optimize flow and reduce lead times.
    • SAFe advocates for visualizing work, limiting WIP, and managing queue lengths to maintain a smooth and steady flow of value through the system.
    • By reducing the amount of work in progress and breaking down work into smaller, more manageable units, teams can improve predictability, responsiveness, and overall efficiency.
  7. Apply Cadence, Synchronize with Cross-Domain Planning:
    • Cadence and synchronization help align activities, facilitate communication, and minimize variability and uncertainty.
    • SAFe encourages the use of fixed timeboxes (iterations) and synchronization points (such as Program Increment or PI Planning) to create a rhythm and cadence for development activities.
    • Cross-domain planning events, such as PI Planning, enable alignment and coordination across multiple teams and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is working towards common objectives.
  8. Unlock the Intrinsic Motivation of Knowledge Workers:
    • Knowledge workers are most productive and creative when they are motivated by intrinsic factors such as autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
    • SAFe encourages leaders to create environments that foster trust, autonomy, and empowerment, allowing teams to self-organize and make decisions collaboratively.
    • Teams should have clear goals and objectives aligned with the organization’s mission and values, providing a sense of purpose and meaning to their work.
  9. Decentralize Decision-Making:
    • Decentralized decision-making empowers teams closest to the work to make timely and informed decisions.
    • SAFe encourages decentralization of decision-making authority, allowing teams to respond quickly to opportunities and challenges without excessive bureaucracy or hierarchical approval processes.
    • Leaders provide guidance, support, and resources while trusting teams to make decisions aligned with organizational goals and principles.
  10. Organize around Value:
    • Organizing around value means structuring teams, systems, and processes to maximize the delivery of value to customers and stakeholders.
    • SAFe advocates for organizing teams around value streams—end-to-end flows of value that deliver products, services, and experiences to customers.
    • Teams should have a clear understanding of their role within the value stream, focusing on delivering value quickly, predictably, and sustainably.

These principles provide a foundation for implementing SAFe and guiding organizations in their journey towards Agile transformation at scale. By embracing these principles, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and value delivery, enabling them to thrive in today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment.

[05-12-2023 16:57] Mohd Sultan

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