SAFe Webinar – Essentials of SAFe Configuration

Embark on a journey into the essentials of SAFe configuration, where we delve into the critical components that lay the groundwork for successful Agile transformation. This exploration unravels the key elements, principles, and best practices that organizations need to configure within the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to foster a culture of agility, collaboration, and sustained excellence.
1 Hour 22 Minutes
May 15, 2021

Available for Starter or Higher

SAFe Webinar – Essentials of SAFe Configuration


Minimum Eligibility

Embark on a journey into the essentials of SAFe configuration, where we delve into the critical components that lay the groundwork for successful Agile transformation. This exploration unravels the key elements, principles, and best practices that organizations need to configure within the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to foster a culture of agility, collaboration, and sustained excellence.

1 Hour 22 Minutes

Date Recorded

May 15, 2021


Niladri Mahapatra



Essentials of SAFe Configuration: Building the Foundation for Agile Success

Configuring SAFe is more than just adopting a set of practices; it’s about tailoring the framework to fit the unique needs and dynamics of an organization. This in-depth examination of the essentials of SAFe configuration guides organizations in making informed decisions, setting up effective structures, and fostering an environment conducive to embracing Agile principles at scale.

1. Configuring Agile Release Trains (ARTs): The Backbone of SAFe

At the heart of SAFe configuration is the setup of Agile Release Trains (ARTs), which represent the teams, roles, and processes necessary to deliver value in a large organization. This section explores how organizations can configure ARTs to align teams, synchronize delivery, and enhance collaboration, laying the foundation for large-scale Agile endeavors.

2. Lean Portfolio Management Configuration: Aligning Strategy with Execution

Effective SAFe configuration includes aligning strategic objectives with execution through Lean Portfolio Management. This component explores how organizations can configure their portfolio to prioritize value streams, allocate resources strategically, and make informed investment decisions, ensuring that the entire organization operates in harmony toward common goals.

3. Configuring Program Level: Coordination and Collaboration

Configuring the program level is crucial for achieving coordination and collaboration among teams. This part of the exploration dives into how organizations can configure program boards, inspect and adapt at the program level, and implement effective practices for managing dependencies and ensuring a seamless flow of value.

4. Customizing SAFe for Organizational Context

SAFe is not a one-size-fits-all framework, and effective configuration involves customizing it to suit the organizational context. This section provides insights into tailoring SAFe, adjusting roles, ceremonies, and artifacts to align with the unique culture, structure, and goals of the organization.

5. Establishing Communities of Practice: Learning and Improvement

Configuring SAFe goes beyond structures and processes; it involves fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Learn how organizations can establish Communities of Practice to facilitate knowledge sharing, collaboration, and the exchange of best practices, creating a vibrant ecosystem that supports ongoing development and enhancement.

6. Implementation Roadmap: Navigating the SAFe Journey

Configuring SAFe is a journey, and this section outlines a practical implementation roadmap. Explore the phased approach to SAFe configuration, from initial setup and training to ongoing refinement and improvement. Understand how organizations can navigate the SAFe journey, ensuring a smooth transition and sustainable agility.

7. Measurement and Metrics Configuration: Driving Informed Decision-Making

Effective SAFe configuration includes the establishment of meaningful measurement and metrics practices. This part explores how organizations can configure metrics that provide insights into performance, value delivery, and areas for improvement. Learn how measurement can drive informed decision-making and support the organization’s continuous improvement journey.

Conclusion: Configuring SAFe for Success

In conclusion, configuring SAFe is a strategic imperative for organizations seeking success in the Agile landscape. By understanding the essentials of SAFe configuration, organizations can create a foundation that fosters collaboration, aligns with strategic objectives, and enables sustained agility. Join us on this exploration of SAFe configuration, and empower your organization to thrive in the dynamic world of Agile

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