SAFe Webinar: SAFe as Dual Operating System

Watch our webinar as we delve into the concept of SAFe as a Dual Operating System, a paradigm shift that redefines how organizations operate in a world of constant change. Explore how this innovative approach empowers enterprises to navigate complexity, foster innovation, and drive sustainable business agility.
1 Hour 14 Minutes
January 31, 2021

Available for Starter or Higher

SAFe Webinar: SAFe as Dual Operating System


Minimum Eligibility

Watch our webinar as we delve into the concept of SAFe as a Dual Operating System, a paradigm shift that redefines how organizations operate in a world of constant change. Explore how this innovative approach empowers enterprises to navigate complexity, foster innovation, and drive sustainable business agility.

1 Hour 14 Minutes

Date Recorded

January 31, 2021


Niladri Mahapatra



SAFe Webinar: SAFe as Dual Operating System

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) has emerged not only as a framework for scaling Agile practices but also as a catalyst for transforming how organizations operate at their core. This webinar introduces the concept of SAFe as a Dual Operating System, a revolutionary approach that recognizes the need for both stability and agility in the modern organizational ecosystem.

Understanding SAFe as a Dual Operating System

SAFe as a Dual Operating System goes beyond the traditional paradigm of a single operating system and embraces a duality that balances the need for stability in core operations with the imperative for agility in responding to external disruptions. This framework acknowledges that organizations need a structured and stable foundation (the Core) while simultaneously fostering innovation and adaptability (the Operating System for Innovation and Agility).

The Core: Stability and Predictability

The Core of SAFe as a Dual Operating System represents the stable foundation of an organization. It incorporates proven practices, established processes, and the existing operational model that ensures reliability, compliance, and efficiency. This stability is crucial for maintaining business continuity and meeting the demands of a stable market environment.

Operating System for Innovation and Agility: Flexibility and Adaptability

On the flip side, the Operating System for Innovation and Agility acknowledges the need for organizations to be agile, responsive, and capable of swiftly adapting to change. This dynamic system focuses on fostering innovation, empowering cross-functional teams, and providing the flexibility required to navigate uncertainty, seize opportunities, and respond to rapidly evolving market conditions.

The Interplay: Achieving Harmony in Complexity

The webinar delves into how the interplay between the Core and the Operating System for Innovation and Agility creates a harmonious environment where organizations can thrive in complexity. By strategically balancing stability and agility, SAFe as a Dual Operating System equips enterprises to excel in both traditional and rapidly changing markets.

Real-world Implementations: Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Gain insights into real-world implementations of SAFe as a Dual Operating System through case studies and success stories. Explore how organizations have successfully embraced this paradigm shift, the challenges they encountered, and the transformative impact on their ability to innovate, scale Agile practices, and drive business outcomes.

Interactive Session: Your Questions Answered

The webinar concludes with an interactive Q&A session, providing participants with an opportunity to engage directly with our SAFe experts. Whether you’re curious about implementation strategies, cultural shifts, or the nuances of operating within a dual system, our experts are ready to address your queries.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Organizational Agility with SAFe as a Dual Operating System

The SAFe as a Dual Operating System Webinar is not just a theoretical exploration; it’s a practical guide for organizations seeking to elevate their agility in a world of constant change. Join us on this enlightening journey and discover how SAFe as a Dual Operating System can be the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of organizational adaptability, innovation, and success.

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